Episode 31

The Art of Being Unmistakable

With Srinivas Rao
Episode 31

The Art of Being Unmistakable

With Srinivas Rao

Renowned Storyteller. Founder of Unmistakable Media. Podcaster. Bestselling Author. Keynote Speaker. Consultant. Acclaimed Content Creator.

Srinivas Rao (‘Srini’) is the author of 7 books, including the Wall Street Journal bestseller, The Art of Being Unmistakable: A Collection of Essays About Making a Dent in the Universe, and more recently, An Audience of One: Reclaiming Creativity for Its Own Sake. He is also the founder of Unmistakable Media, a platform that nudges professionals to go beyond society’s established rules to discover their unique path. His interviews with people like Seth Godin and Tim Ferriss provide insight and inspiration on how the key to success is not about being the best — but about being the only.

In this episode of Intersections, Prof. Hitendra Wadhwa has a conversation with Srinivas Rao on the topic “The Art of Being Unmistakable”.

Whether you are a business owner, researcher or an artist, all you want is for your work to be remembered enduring the test of time. However, in a world where every song has already been sung and every prize has already been won, how do you ensure what you create would stand apart from the others? Is the fact that your creative work comes from experiences unique to you enough to effectively brand your work? And if so, when you walk this path that no one has ever walked before, who do you look up to if you are lost?

“If you walk out that door and abandon all the expectations society has laid out for you, the truest expression of who you are emerges. You play with abandon, optimism, and curiosity-like you did as a child. You begin a quest for which only you are made, the passage that only you are destined to make.”
Srinivas Rao

The episode “The Art of Being Unmistakable” offers key insights on:

  • Discovering and expressing your true signature
  • The delusion of possibility over probability
  • The productivity paradox and tradeoffs for Our Life’s Choices

Coming Soon!

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